Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Atlanta Braves: A Microcosm of the Human Experience

Me: It was good seeing you, what do you have going on later tonight?

Athens Townie that used to/maybe still does work in the basement of Grady College at UGA: I'm either going bowling, or I'm about to go kill of the two

Me: Well you take care and good luck

It wasn't until about six fateful minutes later when the magnitude of this conversation actually hit me (the normal amount of time it takes for something important to get to you when drinking tequila). Chipper Jones had just made the best defensive play I'd seen him make in over five years, and for that he was rolling around in the grass holding his knee. Visions of being at the Ted for this years Fall Classic and partying throughout the night in Buckhead when the Braves win the World Series in 6 games over the Chicago White Sox started vanishing from my memory. Suddenly it all made sense...In one way or another we are all about to go bowling (living for a purpose) or are about to kill ourselves (worrying about Chippers knee instead of taking Cox chapter 23 to heart***). These are the kinds of things that one ponders after a three day bender in Athens. For me, it is time to go bowling. I'll keep you posted on how I score.

*** Yea though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Defeat, I will fear not the Phillies, for thy Conrad and Hudson they comfort me

Cox 23

(Shout out to Craig for winning the Dream Theater Challenge and for this quotation from the Book of Cox)

1 comment:

  1. The prophet Cox speaks wise words.
    appreciate the shout out.
