Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dream Theater

So, this is a new segment I want to try out...

While taking my morning shower today I went into a state of deep thought (not masturbation...at least this time it wasn't) and started to recall my dream that I had last night. I'm not sure about yall but my dreams are usually really jacked up and twisted. During the course of my dreams I usually jump from one scene to the next as I delve deeper into REM Sleep and further into my subconscious***

Part 1:

Last night I dreamt that my college roomate (Ty) and I were cattle ranchers. The dream began from a POV perspective as I saw Ty riding a horse and driving two wild horses he had just lassoed towards a stable... I am for some reason not on a horse nor do I question what I'm doing here... I flash forward and we are both satnding in western attire as I can view us from a third person perspective. We are approached by two other men riding on horseback out on the frontier. Apparently one of the men has killed Ty's dad. We draw swords and a battle breaks out. I end up stabbing and killing the man who killed Ty's father before Ty can get his proper revenge...The other man we are fighting is wounded and bleeding on the ground but he has drawn a firearm. He taunts Ty and the fact that he will never satiate his blood lust bc I have killed the man he has wanted dead for so many years... I flash forward again as I am hacking off the mans arm in order to separate him from his pistol. Ty then picks up the pistol and shoots the man dead...Cold, blooded gangster shit. I felt realy bad about it when I woke up

That completed Part 1 and I dropped down further into my subconcious

Part 2:

I am in the girls room that I am currently dating. We are having an ordinary conversation until she reveals to me that she has been addicted to porn for the past two years of her life and that she had just come to grips with this before she met me. She explained that her mom found out about her addiction and that is why she currently has blockers on her computer...I then wake up

Now I leave the power in your hands F2DR Nation: Translate my dreams. Top dream translator wins a shout out in the next post.

*** Sentence was inspired by the movie Inception and my knowledge from Psych 1101 at UGA


  1. I researched this on DreamMoods.com.
    Cowboys - you are feeling masculine
    Killing - you are trying to confront an aspect of yourself
    Porn - you have issues with intimacy, power, control, and effectiveness (in bed)

    Conclusion: You know you are a man, but you don't know what to do about it.

    Step 1: Have sex
    Step 2: ??????
    Step 3: PROFIT

  2. sex and money? or sex and personal gain? I like the first better. Thanks Anonymous

  3. I think this all means that you long for the days of witnessing the sheer beauty and power of Fred McGriff's 1382 feet bombs. It takes heart and vigor to manifest such tenacity and pure, non-HGH strength. I know I would love to see it again.
    You are clearly Fred McGriff in your dream. You killed the man that killed your friend's father (i.e. the baseball). This other homo cowboy that whips out a piece represents Barry Bonds (insert your own juicer). Fred McGriff, ahem you, chop off the arm of the steroid era and reclaim your spot as a dominant power threat.
    You, Crime Dog, transport into this chica's room. She is addicted to porn....well because she is. So you, Fred McGriff, take advantage of her sexual deviancy and claim your prize.

    at least thats how i read into it.

  4. craig wins a future shout out

  5. Tim "Teddy Two Shanks" WatersAugust 1, 2010 at 11:31 PM

    Well i was under the impression that the contest was over today, Sunday, but apparently i have already lost. Having wasted 4 grams of good weed and some of my precious time on this i'm going to go ahead and finish to avoid it all being in vain...Plus anybody knows that if your dreams include an ex-brave great it's going to be David Justice 98% of the time. Half the time. So i can't let that be the only answer with a name on it. Of course being a true procrastinator i waited until 11pm on sunday to start this, so here we go B-Rizzle...
    Being a "cattle rancher" and not in fact a cowboy changes things. Being in the dream with another person makes it more obvious that you like the feeling of social acceptance (hence the herd of cattle) and that you and "Ty" were probably in some kind of social group together. (glee club, frat, etc..)The dead parent means you have lost something, my guess is that you have lost your way here briefly, the fact that it is not your parent says that you feel that you are or were not in control of this loss or that you don't quite understand it. The good thing is that you draw a SWORD to fight these men(your problem or problems). By using a sword instead of say a gun, says that you are willing and ready to confront and solve your problem yourself(with your bare hands).

    The girl portion is a little easier. You lack the intimacy with the woman and it is subconsiously you do not feel it will work out. The fact that it is porn is irrelavent, it is simply the materialization of a serious problem that is nothing that you feel is nothing you can readily fix. The proof in that being that it is HER expressing the problem in the dream, not you telling her about the problem.

    I would like to apologize for my spelling. And the funniest thing about the dream to ME is that at the very bottom where it says "Labels" and lists them. "Brent" makes sense as does "Dream" and even "Inception" but what in the sam fuck does "MDMA really works" mean? Is that like "Cocaine is a hell of a drug"? hahah Because if you were on MDMA before this dream then we are talking about a whole new can of worms...
