Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fresh4Morning: Early Morn Phone Calls=Motivation
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Fuck? How'd I Never Hear About This?
I watch the History Channel a lot. Not as much lately since its not one of the HD channels, but I've built up a veritable useless treasure trove of snippets of historical facts and intrigue. Last night PBS aired a two hour long show on the History of Chickens. I watched 10 minutes of it because those few moments were devoted to Mike the Headless Chicken
A regular chicken, one day in 1945, was chosen as dinner. Normally that story would end fried and delicious. Not Mike. No, he had something more weird to give. He lived. Due to a careless, but nonetheless successful, beheading, Mike held onto his brain stem and one ear. Thats all it took for him to remain cock of the walk in the barnyard. And in no time at all he was picking out the tallest perches, feebly crowing/gargling at the sun, and eating the choicest corn by eyedropper delivery. He lived for another year and half after his beheading. Which is longer than most fully-headed chickens get to live. Mind, meet Blown.
Video of Headless Chicken? Video of Headless Chicken.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
F2DR Presents:
A Sit Down & Chat:
An Interview With A Scientist
Tonight, we are breaking away from the usual stories on religious intolerance, crime, hair-do polls (because, we all realllllly care whether or not Brent turns himself into a child with his haircut), undertones of racism, misspellings of the word circa, and restaurant reviews that keep you coming back, again and again. In lieu of all that irrelevant shit, here is a made up interview with a goddamned scientist.
E. O. Wilson, (B.S., Univ. of Alabama, M.S. & Ph. D., Harvard) joins us to discuss things and share his views on the little terror-baby-turned-full-citizen S. invicta, the fucking imported fire ant.
J: Dr. Wilson, glad you could make it.
E. O.: Great to be here, I hate pigeons and zombies myself, you know.
J: LOL! Yes, its been quite the unmemorable summer.
E. O.: Maybe for you, I've been jamming to Cee-Lo's F**k You since Memorial Day.
J: Damn, all I've had is (500) Days of Weezy's Lollipop Dreams. But F**k You was released less than a week ago. How'd you get a hold of it nearly three months ago?
E. O.: When you work as closely with fire ants as I do, you really get to know all the necessary ways to articulate, "fuck you".
J: That makes great sense Ed and segues into the Science part of this interview nicely.
E. O.: I'm not called the Lord of Ants and the Father of Sociobiology for nothing.
J: I recently had a terrible experience with fire an...
E. O.: Let me interrupt you by saying that all experiences involving fire ants are terrible, albeit the ones that also include matches and a bottle of lighter fluid. I've been saying as much since 1951!
J: Well, this experience begins with me unknowingly standing on a bed of the little Brazilian bastards and by the time I first felt the initial sting, they had covered both of my legs, up to my knees and inside of my pants. Hundreds of the devils. I was shocked and awed by their numbers, by their hostility.
E. O.: Let me guess, you immediately ran away while kicking off your boots and pants?
J: Yes. Yes, that is exactly what happened. And now, more than 24 hours later, both of my legs are covered in pimple bites and are still numb. Itching and burning. And occasionally oozing.Gross!
E. O.: Scientists who work in the field, from time to time, come across these tiny invaders. We are forced to take measures, which often involve having to strip off the affected clothes and run away. It happens.
J: Thank you Ed. It was great sitting down with you...for a second time. We first met back in 2004, at Young Harris College. You spoke about microbes in the soils or some jazz.
E. O.: Thank you. Always glad to chat with a fan. And be sure to let Blake know that scientists take off their pants in the woods all the time!
Well. That's that. Now you know a little more about fire ants, pants and scientists.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
1st Ever F2DR Poll: Insert Sponsor Here _________
Friday, August 13, 2010
F2DR Movie Review: The Expendables
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Ever Take A Bad Trip...On Drugs?
Fresh4Morning: Why The Mets' Step-Parents Suck
K-Rod clearly has issues with this guy and may have been hitting him for a good reason, but c'mon. He's a professional athlete and all one of his right crosses can inflict are "facial bruises". Pop-in-law should have been chewing on incisors or digging his eyeball out with a spoon and a sponge. At the very least having to hold his head back and apply pressure to his nose. I bet Billy Wagner could throw a punch like a man. Hopefully he hit himself last night for trying to lose another game.
The best part of the article covering the altercation is the accompanying poll.
Let's hope so.
{Source Article}
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Atlanta Braves: A Microcosm of the Human Experience
It wasn't until about six fateful minutes later when the magnitude of this conversation actually hit me (the normal amount of time it takes for something important to get to you when drinking tequila). Chipper Jones had just made the best defensive play I'd seen him make in over five years, and for that he was rolling around in the grass holding his knee. Visions of being at the Ted for this years Fall Classic and partying throughout the night in Buckhead when the Braves win the World Series in 6 games over the Chicago White Sox started vanishing from my memory. Suddenly it all made sense...In one way or another we are all about to go bowling (living for a purpose) or are about to kill ourselves (worrying about Chippers knee instead of taking Cox chapter 23 to heart***). These are the kinds of things that one ponders after a three day bender in Athens. For me, it is time to go bowling. I'll keep you posted on how I score.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I Have So Many Problems With This, I'm Going to Use Dum-Dum Bullet Points
Social Political blog we are not. But we are social creatures and politics are happening right now. So when a nationally covered distasteful, ignorant, fundamentalist viewpoint touches my serious internet business, I get perturbed. Ole Newt doesn't want there to be a mosque and community center built a couple blocks from the site of the WTC and Brent agrees with him. I'm sure a lot of Americans do. But, I'm also sure a lot of Americans are idiots.
When political and TV leaders are espousing an idea that a mosque (and, diligently mentioned by proponents, community center) being built within a few blocks of one the greatest tragedies and acts of violence in American history, represents a "victory" for Islam its not hard to understand the resistance and outrage many are feeling. I'm only going to dissect Brent's admittedly short and quick take on the matter. He presumably was picturing this as he wrote it.
Here are the promised bullets, marvel at my HTML powers!
...radical Muslims flew planes into the Twin Towers killing 2,976 American Citizens.
- Over 300 foreign nationals are included in this number along with an equal number of actual regular Muslims who were just as victimized as non-Muslims
I'm so happy that I live in the South where at least we still have some semblance of morals and ethics
- If the South had any real morals and ethics left, Tennessee would have elected Basil Marceaux.Also, take a look at the AJC's homepage for insights into morals and ethics.
Between government hand outs and this crap I'm not sure what to think.
- The government has been giving out handouts since the creation of the First Bank of the U.S. in 1791. The other crap is presumably, the threatening of the 1st Amendment by forbidding the construction of a building based upon the religious practices of the owners. That's American.
America used to be a proud Nation that had a fear of God and an un-paralelled work ethic.
- America is a proud nation, fuck you for the past-tense. Our fear of God has largely been more of a fear of running out of money and getting caught doing bad things, I still have that fear. As for un-paralleled work ethic, I think that went out in the 60s man, also the Mexicans, Japanese, ah hell, all the other Orientals, would like a word on work ethic.
Not sure when we became a nation of pussies that roll over to appease extremist.
- I hope we haven't. Because if this community center and mosque, which will be open to the public, somehow is intimidated and yelled at enough that it isn't built, then the extremist have won. America is patchwork quilt of fucked-up, crazy, hard-working, flag-loving, hipster, sexy, farming, werewolf-kids, ghost-riding the whip, yuppie Bad-asses, and some of these people are Muslims. Wouldn't it be a good idea to keep our Muslims feeling at home and not treating them as if they do not belong in America?
Bonus From Commenter Colin: Sounds like a couple of 24/7 BBQ joints need to open upwind of that Mosque. Have that sweet smokey smell of BBQ pig waft down to the mosque constantly.
- Absolutely, I will gladly run this place. Slow Paul's Whole Hawg. Full of deliciousness and infidels!
Great article covering the topic.
Take-Out with F2DR: Burying the Lede at Mark's City Grille
But I digress, the relevant story is what happened at Mark's City Grille this past Saturday night. Awesome shit. Things that only happen in movies or in Jake's dreams. Gunpoint. Robbery.
What's the big deal? Black men rob people all the time?
Let me finish. Gunpoint. Robbery. Foiled.
One of the three employees who was being held up after Mark's had closed, decided not to be fucked with and fought back against the armed robber with the only weapon he had at hand. His beer. The dish-washing hero hit the guy over the head with the bottle, forcing the master of crime into running away while shooting his gun aimlessly. After a police sketch artist was able to produce a likeness of the would-be robber... one Deron Thomas was found nearby, matching the description and was arrested.
When asked what he was thinking as he attacked the dude holding the gun, Tshaka Nelson said,
I wasn’t scared because I’ve had guns pointed at me before. I used to be a cab driver.
Well, damn. I've been demeaning and drunk to cabbies before, but now that I know having guns pulled on them is happening on the reg, I don't feel nearly as bad for not tipping.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
We're Going To Hell in a Handbasket
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Fresh4Morning: Quick Sick Lyric
Betta know that i leaped every hurdle and i'm so victorious
Take a look, I'm a symbol of greatness now you can call me Morpheus"