1) Man meets woman at bar.
2) Man lies to woman.
3) Woman impressed, drunk.
4) Sex.
That's a bare-bones rundown of >90% of all bar hookups. Its a tried and true method for one-night stands and awkward Facebook friending. Those all-stars up there do it every night when they mention, "No, I don't have VD" or "Yes, I always wear a condom". When later she realizes that no, you don't drive a BMW 6 Series, aren't actually on that minor league baseball team, and she, in fact, does now carry a simplex virus there are few repercussions and certainly no legal actions to take. Well, consider the precedent met.
A Palestinian man has been convicted of rape after having consensual sex with a woman who had believed him to be a fellow Jew. ~ via Isreal
The article goes on to mention how the two did the deed in a building next to the club, that could be a slip-up of not mentioning that it was the chick's apartment or it could mean these two crazy opposite-sides-of-the-wall kids played just the tip in the bathroom of a 24-hour McDonanlds.
Now, no attempt will be made to dive into this region's socioeconomic-cultural-religious-getoffmyyard turmoils, but this flagrant abuse of a time-honored tradition among drunk horny men must not only be condemned by world leaders, actions should be taken to show Israel that even in times of crisis, everybody just wants to get their dick wet and under no circumstances should consensual dirty bar banging be turned into rape on account of a lie. No take backs!